
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Our hosts Shannon and Vicky were amazing! Their love for God was evident from listening to their powerful stories, observing their kind smiles and gentle hearts, and watching their untiring service to those around them.
The staff of New Day New Life were also a joy to be around! I learned so much from each one of them and they make me long to know Jesus more.
We had two dedicated cooks who made us breakfast and dinner throughout the week. Usually, we had either fried chicken with rice and soup or noodles for breakfast. Dinner consisted of curry, rice, a meat or veggie dish, and fruit. The food was simply delicious!

One weekend we enjoyed an incredible show at the Phare Circus. From flips to stilts to balancing on top of a stack of pipes there was never a dull moment!

We spent each Tuesday afternoon wading through the rice fields to reach a small Christian family and connect with them. When we reached their home we would all sit together on a tarp and encourage one another. The first time we visited them we prayed for the father who had been struggling with some sickness. They also shared with us about their children and the hardships in their lives. This dear family has a true hunger for the Lord and they are trusting Him amid their pain and uncertainties.

One day as we arrived at the property we were surprised to see that it had been completely flooded. We were offered an empty local house in which to teach the English lesson since we were unable to use the pavilion. While the lesson was being taught our team walked to a believer’s house where we gathered for a bible study. After the lesson, we walked into the rice field for baptisms where six believers were baptized! Before they were immersed the pastor cut off their Buddhist bracelets to show their decision to follow and serve Jesus Christ alone. As we were beginning to leave the rice field our team leader Coryn said she also wanted to be baptized! It was a step of personal surrender and obedience and we were delighted to witness her decision as well. 

After the baptisms that day, we trudged through a flooded road to visit a couple living on the outskirts of the village we were teaching in. When we arrived at their property we sat down with them and began to share the gospel with the man who was still an unbeliever. Shannon grabbed a nearby rope and stretched it out in front of him. He said the rope represented eternity and our lives here on earth are only like a small dot on that rope. Before we left he raised his hand to receive Jesus and prayed with us. Praise God for what He’s doing among these precious people!

It feels like our time in Cambodia flew by much too quickly but it was an honor to visit this beautiful country and to meet these sweet people!

3 responses to “Highlights From Cambodia”

  1. Sara it’s with joy that I read this! What life changing experiences!! Praying for you and your team.